Members’ Benefits & Services

If you or your fellow club members have ideas or suggestions for additional benefits and services, please raise them for discussion at the next Council meeting.

(As from 1 April 2023)


  • Introduction
  • Post Office Box Reimbursement
  • Judging of Club & Society Competitions
  • Forum & Exhibiting Assistance
  • Philatelic Library
  • Insurance
  • Visiting Speakers / Guest Display Program
  • Circuit Sheets
  • Equipment available for Loan
  • Upcoming Events email advice
  • Advertising of Upcoming Events etc
  • Room Hire


As a Corporate Member of the Western Australian Philatelic Council (WAPC), affiliated Clubs and Societies have access to a wide range of benefits, services and subsidies.  These are detailed below.  To access these benefits or obtain additional information, please contact the Secretary (Glen Stafford):

By mail:
Western Australian Philatelic Council
Post Office Box 886

By email:

By phone
0419 468 528


Post Office Box Reimbursement

In principle, the WAPC believes that Clubs and Societies should not have to rely on individual members of the Club’s Committee to provide for safe, secure and accessible incoming mail.

Accordingly, the WAPC will reimburse Clubs and Societies the cost of renting a suitably sized Post Office Box each year.  A pro rata reimbursement will be considered when Clubs and Societies share a Post Office Box.

To claim the reimbursement, Clubs and Societies should contact the Secretary and detail the amount being claimed.  The claim will be considered after a copy of the relevant Invoice and / or Receipt has been provided.


Judging of Club & Society Competitions

Many Clubs and Societies have as part of their annual program, one or more competitions where members entries are evaluated by club members, club experts and / or an independent authority.

Upon request, the WAPC will endeavour to arrange for a suitably qualified judge to take on the independent role.


Forum & Exhibiting Assistance 

All financial members of clubs affiliated with the WAPC are entitled to attend the Philatelic Forum (which is a special interest group of the Philatelic Society of WA).

The Philatelic Forum is a group of collectors who currently exhibit or are interested in exhibiting at some future time.  An interest in exhibiting is not essential; some people attend the Philatelic Forum meetings because they like to be involved, socialise with their fellow collects, and/or are interested in viewing the philatelic material of their fellow collectors.

The meetings generally involve looking through and discussing exhibits being prepared for entry at upcoming exhibitions.  This provides an opportunity for providing suggested improvements plus identifying and addressing any issues or errors.  The meetings also provide an opportunity to ask questions about various aspects or issues of exhibiting and often include a presentation on a particular aspect of exhibiting.

The Philatelic Forum meets on the first Monday of each month from 7:30pm, at Philatelic House (Wellington Fair, corner of Wellington and Lord Streets, East Perth).


Philatelic Library  

All financial members of clubs affiliated with the WAPC are entitled to access the library of the Philatelic Society of Western Australia (‘PSWA”).  The PSWA library is the most extensive philatelic library in WA.

The PSWA Library is open for use twice each month at Philatelic House (Wellington Fair, corner of Wellington and Lord Streets, East Perth): –

  • On the first Saturday of each month, from 10 am to 4 pm &
  • On the second Monday of each month, from 6:30 pm

Further details are available from the PSWA website: –

A list of materials held by the PSWA Library is available on the PSWA website: –

The Librarian is Mark Leaman, who may be contacted either:
By phone: 0403 886 979 or
By email:



As a Corporate Member, each Club or Society is required to pay an annual subscription based on its membership.  This annual subscription includes a levy for insurance.  This levy enables the WAPC to pay for, and access, a nationwide insurance scheme organised by The Australian Philatelic Federation.  Being a nationwide scheme, the cost of insurance is considerably less than that which could otherwise be obtained by any individual Club or Society.

By virtue of paying the annual subscription, clubs and societies are automatically included and covered.

The insurance cover has two components: –

  • Public & Products Liability Insurance

In brief, this is the standard insurance required by organisations to run events, hire premises etc.  It protects the organising body from claims by third parties (members of the public).  It does not cover claims by and between members of the Clubs and Societies themselves.  The amount insured is $20 million.

  • Voluntary Workers Personal Accident Insurance

This insurance covers persons aged 12 to 85 years who are injured while performing voluntary work on behalf of the Club or while assisting in the set up and running of an event etc.

For more information on the establishment and cover provided by this insurance, please see


        Visiting Speakers / Guest Display Program

        The WAPC coordinates a program enabling many members of the various Societies and Clubs to display and talk about their collections.  This usually involves a Club or Society inviting a member of a different Club as a guest to display and talk about their collection as part of that Club’s regular meeting.

        For a list of members and their associated displays which are available as part of this program, please see Visiting Speakers & Guest Display Program


        Circuit Sheets

        Through the Circuit Supervisor, WAPC manages a circuit sheet program that has historically been known as the ‘Country Circuit’.  Originally this program was designed to provide country clubs with access to circuit sheets.

        With many metropolitan Clubs having difficulty in providing a circuit sheet facility ‘in house’, some metropolitan Clubs may also access this program (at the sole discretion of the Circuit Supervisor).

        All affiliated Club members are entitled to submit material for inclusion in the Circuit.  The Circuit Supervisor has the discretion to reject inferior material or give it a lower priority with respect to its inclusion and distribution.


        Equipment Available for Loan

        Member Clubs and Societies are encouraged to make use of the Council’s equipment – much of which is suitable for use in the running of events such as Stamp Shows, Exhibitions and Displays etc.  The equipment is available free of charge.  See the list below.

        The defibrillator and display panels are routinely stored in the Council’s premises at Wellington Fair, East Perth.  The remainder of the equipment is routinely stored at the Council’s storage facility in Baldivis.

        Clubs and Societies borrowing any of the equipment are responsible for transporting the equipment to and from storage and for returning it in good condition (subject to normal wear and tear).  The Council has a trailer that is suitable for this purpose (see 3 below).  The Council may be able to assist with transport in some instances.

        1.      Defibrillator (heart starter machine).

        2.     Toucan Superlite Panel Display (classic 8 with carry case and separate feet [for straight line set up]). Check the company website for details

        3.     Trailer (and wheel clamp)

        4.     40+ display frames with legs, feet, and carpet underlays.
        Two types are available: 15 sheet frames and 16 sheet frames.

        5.     Standard moulded plastic folding tables. Each measures 1800 x 750 mm.
        More than 100 are available.

        6.     Plastic containers with blue tablecloths.
        Two sizes available: single table length, and two table length.

        7.     Ten timber bollards with plastic chain. Suitable for defining and separating access areas.
        Three lengths of chain are available.


        Upcoming Events

        At the beginning of each month, the WAPC emails out ‘Upcoming Events – Western Australia’.  The email includes specific details regarding events being held in WA for the month as well as a listing of future events and dates.  Also included are dates, times and contact details for all regular meetings of affiliated Clubs and Societies.

        Much of the event content is also listed on the website of the WAPC and other clubs or societies.  So, the email essentially serves as a reminder of what is happening in WA.

        If you would like your email address added to the distribution list, then please contact the Secretary.  Note: The Upcoming Events email is sent out ‘blind copy’, so email addresses and contact details are not visible to others on the distribution list.


        Advertising of Upcoming Events etc

        The Council assists in promoting events being organised by affiliated clubs in various ways: –

        1.      By inclusion in Upcoming Events, which is distributed by email at the beginning of each month.

        2.      Via information tables that are set up and staffed at many events (not just philatelic events).

        3.      By placement of posters on the Council’s display board. The board is set up at many events (not just philatelic events).

        4.      By inclusion on the Council’s website.

        5.      Via Curtin FM Radio.

        So, help us to help you! Event organising committees are invited to submit copies of their promotional flyers; we will proceed from there.


        Room Hire

        The WAPC and Philatelic Society of Western Australia (PSWA) share two adjoining rooms within Wellington Fair on the corner of Lord and Wellington Streets, East Perth.  The rooms have built in display boards, tables and chairs and tea / kitchen facilities.

        During normal business hours, these rooms are used as Training Rooms by a corporate tenant.  Also, some allied organisations have booked the rooms on a regular long-term basis.

        Outside of these regular bookings, the rooms are available for hire by interested clubs and societies.  Available times are generally during the evening and on weekends.

        The cost to hire is $20 per hour, with considerable reductions being applied where the rooms are hired for a ‘session’ or a ‘day’.  The session rate is $50, and the daily rate is $80.

        The day is divided into three sessions: –
        8am to 1pm
        1pm to 6pm
        6pm to 11pm

        Each session is 5 (five) hours.  A booking for more than 2 hours is charged at the session rate.  If there is only limited use of the second session, it might be appropriate (cheaper) to apply the session rate for the first session then the hourly rate for the second session.

        Daily Rates apply when a booking covers two or more consecutive sessions.

        The rates are reviewed each April.  The rates determined at that time will then apply for the subsequent financial year.


        Click here to download and print a copy of the Members’ Benefits & Services document