Activities & Quizzes 2

These pages have been reproduced with the kind permission of Australia Post.

A link to download in PDF for online viewing or printing follows each activity or quiz.

Here is a list, in order, of the activities and quizzes on this page.

Fun With Stamps – 1     [Stamp Playing]
Fun With Stamps – 2     [Stamps On Us]
Fun With Stamps – 3     [Stamp Mind Benders]
Fun With Stamps – 4     [Stamps With A Message]
Fun With Stamps – 5     [Letters In:  Let Us Out!]
Fun With Stamps – 6     [Stretch A Stamp]
Fun With Stamps – 7     [Stamp Your Stamp …]
Fun With Stamps – 8     [Stamp, Jump and Skip]
Fun With Stamps – 9     [More Stamps On Us]
Fun With Stamps – 10   [Stamp Categories]
Fun With Stamps – 11    [Stamp Poems]
Fun With Stamps – 12    [The Post Office Game]
Fun With Stamps – 13    [Stamp Memory Game]
Fun With Stamps – 14    [Stamp Sorter – Useful Sort of … ]
Fun With Stamps – 15    [Word Search – I Know It’s Here, Somewhere … ]
Fun With Stamps – 16    [Double Dare]
Fun With Stamps – 17    [Let’s Get Organised]
Fun With Stamps – 18    [Learn The Right Way]
Fun With Stamps – 19    [Getting Stuck Into It!]
Fun With Stamps – 20    [Stamps On The Tip Of Your Tongue]

Fun With Stamps – 1

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 1 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 2

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 2 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 3

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 3 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 4

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 4 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 5

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 5 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 6

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 6 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 7

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 7 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 8

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 8 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 9

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 9 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 10

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 10 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 11

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 11 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 12

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 12 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 13

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 13 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 14

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 14 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 15

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 15 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 16

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 16 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 17

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 17 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 18

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 18 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 19

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 19 in PDF for printing

Fun With Stamps – 20

Click to download Fun With Stamps – 20 in PDF for printing